It contains revised estimates of the number of
malaria cases and deaths, which integrate new and updated under-5 mortality
estimates produced by the United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality
Estimation, as well as new data from the Child Health Epidemiology Reference
Group. Besides, it highlights the progress made towards global malaria targets
set for 2015, and describes current challenges for global malaria control and
Some important
Global efforts to control and eliminate malaria
have saved an estimated 3.3 million lives since 2000, reducing malaria
mortality rates by 45% globally and by 49% in Africa, according to the "World
malaria report 2013" published by WHO.
An expansion of prevention and control measures
has been mirrored by a consistent decline in malaria deaths and illness,
despite an increase in the global population at risk of malaria between 2000
and 2012. Increased political commitment and expanded funding have helped to
reduce incidence of malaria by 29% globally, and by 31% in Africa.
The large majority of the 3.3 million lives
saved between 2000 and 2012 were in the 10 countries with the highest malaria
burden, and among children aged less than 5 years – the group most affected by
the disease. Over the same period, malaria mortality rates in children in
Africa were reduced by an estimated 54%.
But more needs to be done.
The report shows that despite the progress in
the last 12 years, the absolute numbers of malaria cases are nt going down as
fast as envisioned and the number of deaths due to this malaria remains still
one of the greatest tragedies of the 21st century.

For an universal access to prevention and
Malaria prevention suffered a setback after its
strong build-up between 2005 and 2010. The new WHO report notes a slowdown in
the expansion of interventions to control mosquitoes for the second successive
year, particularly in providing access to insecticide-treated bed nets. This
has been primarily due to lack of funds to procure bed nets in countries that
have ongoing malaria transmission.
In sub-Saharan Africa, the proportion of the
population with access to an insecticide-treated bed net remained well under
50% in 2013. Only 70 million new bed nets were delivered to malaria-endemic
countries in 2012, below the 150 million minimum needed every year to ensure
everyone at risk is protected. However, in 2013, about 136 million nets were
delivered, and the pipeline for 2014 looks even stronger (approximately 200
million), suggesting that there is real chance for a turnaround.
There was no such setback for malaria
diagnostic testing, which has continued to expand in recent years. Between 2010
and 2012, the proportion of people with suspected malaria who received a
diagnostic test in the public sector increased from 44% to 64% globally.
Access to WHO-recommended artemisinin-based
combination therapies (ACTs) has also increased, with the number of treatment
courses delivered to countries rising from 76 million in 2006 to 331 million in
Despite this progress, millions of people
continue to lack access to diagnosis and quality-assured treatment,
particularly in countries with weak health systems. The roll-out of preventive
therapies – recommended for infants, children under 5 and pregnant women – has
also been slow in recent years.
Bridging the funding gap to sustain the progress
International funding for malaria control
increased from less than US$ 100 million in 2000 to almost US$ 2 billion in
2012. Domestic funding stood at around US$ 0.5 billion in the same year,
bringing the total international and domestic funding committed to malaria
control to US$ 2.5 billion in 2012 – less than half the US$ 5.1 billion needed
each year to achieve universal access to interventions.
Without adequate and predictable funding, the
progress against malaria may be foiled by emerging parasite resistance to artemisinin,
the core component of ACTs, and mosquito resistance to insecticides.
Although significative, the gains against
malaria remains fragile and in the coming years, the world will need innovative
technologies combined with strategic approaches to contain it.
For more information about this report, see
here: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2013/world-malaria-report-20131211/en/