Wikiprogress Africa

jeudi 28 mars 2013

The Sustainable Development Goals e-Inventory

The Sustainable Development Goals e-Inventory is an interactive online tool aiming to crowdsource proposals on global goals for the post-2015 period. 

The e-Inventory provides all stakeholders with a platform to outline and disseminate their experiences of, research on and recommendations for global goals. This information can then be used to inform the 
intergovernmental process on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

It will also help stakeholders (including governments and intergovernmental organisations) become better informed about the wide range of proposals, expectations and evidence-based arguments on SDGs and other global goals for development being proposed as part of the post-2015 development framework.

Overall, it is hoped that resource will improve the likelihood of achieving an SDGs framework which fully integrates the three dimensions of sustainable development (social, environmental and economic).

The Wikiprogress Team

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