Hello everyone and welcome to another
Africa-oriented review of progress reports and articles. Among this week’s
highlights were:
- The World Happiness Report by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network was released on September 9th, ahead of the UN General Assembly. Northern Europe dominated the rankings of this happiness report with Denmark and Norway being respectively first and second. They were closely followed by Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden. Angola is the first African country and made one of the largest leap in these surveys, at the 61st place.Of the ten least-happy countries, nine are in Africa and the other is Syria.
- Dr Mark Williamson, Director of Action for Happiness, published this article on the ProgBlog, ImprovingWell-Being Should Be Our Global Priority, discussing the report and the importance that must be given to well-being in the global agenda.
- The eLearningAfrica Report 2013 , commissioned by the government of Namibia, the 2013 edition is based on a comprehensive survey of the experience and opinions of professionals and practitioners from 42 African countries. It shows just how technology is affecting learning and teaching in Africa and the importance given to education in the post 2015 development agenda.
- Turningon Mobile Learning in Africa and the Middle East: Illustrative Initiatives andPolicy Implications by UNESCO identifies three different types of mobile learning developments in Africa and the Middle East (AME) and aims to explore and make sense of the design of emerging mobile learning initiatives in the AME education sector as well as uncovering initiatives that illustrate how mobile learning can potentially facilitate the achievement of Education for All goals.
- Définir la place de l'éducation dans le programme de développement de l'après-2015 resumes the main point of the report on the online consultations about the post-2015 development framework by the UN. Education and inequalities are plebiscited to be top priorities by the participants but some shortcomings are also addressed.
- Schooling can save the planet. The newest data from Education for All shows the impact of education in different component of well-being. These infographics shows the power of transformation of education and pleads for more education in the post2015 development agenda.
We hope you enjoyed this review. Stay tuned the
same time next week for another roundup of the week that was.
Yours in progress,
Ousmane Aly DIALLO
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