from Article 32 of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD), the Darfur
Joint Assessment Mission (DJAM) was completed in November 2012. Based on the
priorities identified by the mission, a Developing Darfur: A Recovery
and Reconstruction Strategy has been developed. It provides a
sequenced strategy to initiate the recovery-focused objectives articulated
within the DDPD.
Three priority areas (Governance, Justice and
Reconciliation/ Reconstruction/ Economic Recovery) have emerged as overall
focus areas from the DJAM assessment. These integrate the specific needs and
priorities identified by the ten thematic working groups through the state- and
locality-level consultative workshops in September and federal consultations in
- Governance, Justice and
Reconciliation - Improve governance at Regional, State and Locality level,
streamline budget and fiscal management structures; Review and enhance
rule of law institutions and mechanisms; enhance peace and security in the
region; establish a culture of transparency and accountability.
- Reconstruction – enhance access to basic
social services, including health, nutrition, water and education; meet
the immediate infrastructure development requirements and assess future
needs; properly address the return, reintegration and/or urbanisation of
- Economic Recovery – facilitate improvement
of agriculture, livestock and rural-based livelihoods; oversight and
management of natural resources; development of the private sector.

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